Being a serial thrifter leads to eventually having too many things in my closet. While it sounds like I would have more to wear because I have so many options, the reality is it becomes more challenging to find something since stuff can be forgotten (out of sight, out of mind) or can prevent one from being creative because there is so many options.
I have purged my closet, and now I am finally getting around to posting items on eBay. My typical routine in terms of cleaning out my closet is as follows.
1) Separate clothes in to three piles: -To donate-To sell-To trade/DIY
2) Take out of style clothes and donate to Goodwill or Out of the Closet
3) Take clothes still in season or unused to sell at Crossroads Trading Co. or Buffalo Exchange.
4) Post clothes that didn’t sell at CrossroadsTrading or Buffalo Exchange on eBay.
5) The third pile I either give to my mom or sister because it suits their style, or attempt a DIY project with items that just need a small update.
Currently I am in stage 4, and I had been putting it of because I have made more trips back home and because I am usually busy with taking blog photos to worry about posting items on eBay. However, now that I have a weekend free (and have a pile of stuff that needs to be posted) I am finally posting items. If you need to make extra cash, eBay or etsy is the place to go when you have unique or designer pieces. I say this because this is what contributed to my full closet! What goes around comes around.
Cleaning out My Closet