Paint Ball

Bang! Bang! Bang!
Shots fired from an enemy bunker, and as I emerge from hiding to make a shot, I get hit right in the eye.
Thank goodness this is just paintball.
I had never played the sport before, and it was not a typical thing I would do on the weekend, but some buddies at the office I work at play once a month and I was invited to come with this time. I think they may have underestimated my ability despite playing for the first time.  That and maybe because I am a girl.
I would not call myself a tomboy in the strictest sense especially when I have shown I love to dress up, wear dresses and high heels. Even though I am really girly, I like to try new things and grew up with two older brothers who never treated me like a princess. So while my parents gave me Barbies, my brothers let me play video games and with their old toy cars. I wanted to be like Barbie with her endless amount of clothes and pink dreamhouse (and Corvette), but it was also fun playing video games and playing rough with the boys. Playing paintball seemed like just another game from my childhood.
Except this time getting pelted by paint balls would hurt more so than I remembered from any game from my childhood.
I felt the adrenaline rush as I aimed and shot at an enemy hiding behind a hay stack and when I ducked to avoid their shots. Some games I lasted a real long time, and until the end at one point. Others I was hit right away, and I preferred being shot in the mask than anywhere else. I hit some people, which made getting hit almost insignificant. Maybe I enjoyed my experience too much, because I honestly felt so pumped and did not feel the pain of most of my wounds until I returned home. The only hit I felt sting immediately was one right on my collar bone. It left a mark, as did the other hits on my thighs (and one on butt) but it did not mean I could not dress well the next morning. I woke up a little sore, but I would do it again. Especially with my own equipment. And I would girl it up since I saw another girl there with her Hello Kitty barrel cover.
Paintball is not just for the guys;)
