
Hachioji Japan
I spent of my days in Japan out and about in Hachioji while my sister attended her last day of school. I arrived to the station and connected to it was a department store. The ground floor had all these yummy restaurants/food stalls and I decided to eat some breakfast at one of the small cafes.
Japanese Bakery

Chocolate Pastries

Hot Chocolate and Bread
Afterwards I decided to tour the entire department store. I lingered at the Basement Level of the Department store because there was a food court. So many yummy food for sale and I had already eaten breakfast. My favorite displays were for the cakes! Christmas cakes are a big deal and are advertised everywhere in Japan. Christmas is more of a date night and incomplete without some Christmas cake to share with your significant other.
Japanese Food Court
Japanese Salads


Chistmas Cake

Boxed Chocolates
After pulling myself away from the basement floor. I went up each floor in this department store. It felt like it took up most of my day but I enjoyed seeing all the items available for sale in this one location. This store is definitely a one stop shop since it had clothes, home decor, and a grocery store in one building right next to the train station.
Department Store Fashion

Japanese Home Decor

New Years Table Setting

Believe it or not, I ended up going to another department store a block away to see if there were any other interesting stores. I spotted the Krispy Kreme donuts and had to take a photo! The snowman donut looks too cute to eat. This department store seemed to have a lot more floors and included a craft store, a vintage boutique, children’s play area, and at the top floor there was a kitchen classroom. I was peaking in and one of the instructors came out to give me a few recipe cards and information of the next class. I was a little surprised and my mind went blank as I tried to remember how to say I was just visiting briefly. I did say Thank You and that the cake in the recipe she gave me looked delicious.
White and Gold Christmas Tree

Krispy Kreme Christmas Donuts
ABC Cooking Studio
It was raining outside so I enjoyed being able to spend most of my day inside the two department stores. I toured the streets and enjoyed some Takoyaki for lunch from a chain called Gindaco. So far, every time I’ve been to Japan I have enjoyed Takoyaki and I will continue upholding that tradition.

Streets of Japan

Hachioji Station
I headed out a little bit early since the rain wasn’t letting up and to have dinner at the dorm. I went to bed early that night in preparation for the fun in store for Friday. My next post will feature the magic of Disney Sea, so see you next time!