Graduation Part 1

Once again I walked the line for Berkeley’s General Commencement. While I did technically finish up in the Fall, I felt I was closer to the Class of 2012. 

It was an interesting ceremony, and I did not stay until the end of the ceremony (the name calling took 2 hours long), but I liked a lot of what our guest speaker Dr. Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, said.
The most important lesson I took away from his speech was learning to say “Yes.” Being optimistic and willing to try new things and meet new people. That and what type of future do you dream for the world around you. 
I personally dream of an end to poverty, which might sound weird when all I blog about is designer clothes I thrift and seem to have an endless amount of. While at times I feel I am a little materialistic, I am always thankful for what I have gained in my life. I was lucky to be born into a hard-working family, meet great friends, and be able to earn the things I buy. 
I am most thankful to have been able to attend the college of my dreams, and while I am uncertain about my future, I can still control what I do, and I hope I can do something that will be meaningful to me as well as for other people.


2 Replies to “Graduation Part 1”

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  2. Thanks Brooklyn! I appreciate the support and I will definitely follow you back!

    I would also love to be featured so I could build up followers. I am still fairly new, so again I thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment=]


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