All Saints Black Dress

All Saints Edgy LBD
Studded Leather Belt

Asymetrical Black Dress Hem
Stacked Asymetrical Rings
Girly All Black Outfit
Black Sam Edelman Beatrix Flats
Studded Belt on Black Dress
Black Dress All Saints | Asymetrical Stacked Rings Forever 21 | Black Cardigan Forever 21 | Studded Belt Forever 21 |Black Beatrix Spiked Flats Sam Edelman
Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday! I came to Salinas to visit the family for my three day weekend and I am happy to report that things with the family are a lot better. It seems odd to me that I was slightly afraid of coming home and having the door shut in my face, but that wasn’t the case. I received a warm welcome and I think it might be because I gave my parents time to process what had happened and their realization that it is time to move forward and not linger in the past.
I am ecstatic and even the cloudy weather cannot bring my mood down. Speaking of gloom, I know my outfit post might seem a little too dark, but I actually thought it was perfect to wear for happy hour after work last Tuesday. One of my co-workers is retiring at the end of the month and one person from the team would not be around for her good-bye party this Thursday and decided to invite everyone for a small get together at Sliver Pizzeria.
The pizza and the cocktails there are amazing! I ordered a Mint Julep for myself and it was surprisingly sweet and refreshing. It complimented my pizza slices very well. I sometimes wish I liked beer, as it is usually cheaper for happy hours, but I am just not a fan. I took a sip of a coworker’s PBR during our small party which wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t amazing. I feel if I keep going out with my co-workers I’ll eventually develop a taste for it like I did for coffee and espressos. ( I still don’t like black coffee, but I enjoy mochas a lot more.)
I dressed myself keeping in mind that I would be going to happy hour at a pizzeria where the dress code is pretty casual. I would have worn jeans, but I had been wanting to wear this dress for awhile now. I paired it with some accessories that complimented the odd structure of the dress. I wore this dress during the winter with more layers here and it amazes me how well it can stand with a few simple accessories for warmer weather. I am slightly cold in these photos because the winds started picking up during the afternoon, but the lighting allowed for some cool photos. Mando always comes through with his amazing photography skills and I am very happy with these photos! This dress is just meant to be photographed and I have Crossroads to thank for it.
Anyways, hope you have been enjoying your holiday weekend and remember to give thanks to those that served our country.