Chinese Takeout Cupcakes

Chinese Food Takeout Cupcakes
I was enlisted to make some cupcakes for a going away party held in honor of a colleague leaving to China for 3 years to complete his MBA.  I thought to myself, what better way to celebrate the party than with Chinese takeout?

Chinese Food Takeout Cupcakes

Chinese Food Takeout Cupcakes

Fortune Cookie Cupcakes

The cupcake idea and instructions came from the What’s New, Cupcake? book. The Chow Mein is made out of vanilla ice cream tinted with cocoa powder. The broccoli is a green tootsie roll cut halfway with scissors. I added frosting to the two branches and dipped them into a bowl with green sprinkles. The fried rice is made using Rice Krispies. All of the toppings are candies reshaped to be the ingredients for each dish.
Chinese New Year Cupcakes

The book had instructions on how to make fortune cookies out of melting caramel candies, but I didn’t have the time to make this many the night before. Instead, I ordered food from a Chinese Restaurant right below my apartment and ordered 2 dozen fortune cookies. I asked for extra takeout boxes and chopsticks to complete the look.
Chinese Fried Rice Cupcakes

Everyone complimented my work and mentioned the cake itself tasted very good. While you can’t taste them for yourself from the screen, enjoy some of my outfit picks inspired by my colleague’s trip to China!
