19th Annual Ghirardelli Chocolate Festival

I was super excited to learn about the Ghirardelli Chocolate Festival happening this weekend at through an ad while I was riding on BART last week. Armando had the day off and got us two tickets for chocolate and wine tasting. I am a big fan of chocolate and will rarely say no to a sample of sweets, but I also love using Ghirardelli cocoa powder and chocolate chips when I bake.
 The festival took place today, but will also be in full swing Sunday, September 14th. Tickets for both Chocolate & Wine Pavilion are $50, but were $40 if you bought them online before the event. The regular Chocolate Tasting ticket is $25 at the door, but buying early online could have saved you $5. We opted to go with the Chocolate & Wine Tickets since it came with a ticket for 15 chocolate samples AND a ticket for 12 samples of Wine and Chocolate. (Side note: 12 samples were for either chocolate/dessert or a wine at the Pavilion.) 

Armando and I experienced an array of chocolaty confections within the first hour of the festival. Among our favorite treats were the chocolate covered s’mores bars, chocolate cookies sandwiched with peanut butter whipped filling, Ghirardelli Hot Fudge Sundaes, chocolate milkshakes, raspberry chocolate tart, and Ghirardelli liquid chocolate to name a few. 

 The festival features a silent auction, chef demonstrations and the new Chocolate Market Place where a chocolatier was making chocolates and had some more decadent samples. I will admit, the biggest attraction to me was the Ghirardelli Ice Cream Eating contest held at 2:30. There were three sets of contests, one for 5-8 year olds where they ate 2 scoop sundaes, one for 9 – 12 year olds that ate 3 scoop ice creams, and the 13+ group where they took on The Earthquake sundae – an eight scoop ice cream sundae with 8 dollops of whipped cream served on top of a pie tin. Of course, the sundae also came with bananas, strawberries and Ghirardelli signature Hot Fudge and Caramel sauce. In each contest, 6 participants were selected from the crowd and…..I was one of the participants for the Earthquake Sundae eating contest!

I was super excited and a little bit nervous. I had won a pie eating contest before, but ice cream was going to be a challenge. I had ordered one of these before, but had split it with 4 other people, so I was skeptical about eating it and finishing it on my own!

It was a close race, but in the end I did not win. I may have tied for 2nd place, but I had trouble stomaching the bananas (not a fan.) The winners walked away with big baskets of Ghirardelli Squares, but as a consolation prize I took home a big Ghirardelli chocolate bar. I gave it my best and I was stoked to be able to participate, although I had a moment where I questioned whether this was a good decision! I had to wash my face afterwards, so I was glad I had not put on any powder foundation this morning. I appreciate that towels and a water bottle were brought out to all the participants too, but now all I can think about is how I need to do some Zumba or swim tomorrow to work off this sundae. At least I got a few servings of fruit today.

After the contest, we still had to visit the wine pavilion, and it was hard finding that appetizing after consuming enough dairy for the week. But we made our way there and I liked that throughout our tastings we received items that were packaged so we could save them for later. If you are going to the festival, I would recommend splurging and getting the Chocolate & Wine  Pavilion tickets. Although 15 samples actually turn out to be a lot, the 12 extra allowed for us to try cupcakes by Frost Cupcake Factory (winners from Cupcake Wars), macarons, wines, Negro Modelo paired with Salsa and Chips and trying even more decadent chocolates. It is also important to note that all the profits of the ticket sales benefited the charity Project Open Hand, an organization that provides healthy, nourishing meals with love. We bid on a chocolate gift basket during the Silent Auction since the proceeds would also go to Project Open Hand, but we were outbid! It was a little bittersweet, but  in the end I am glad more money went to this good cause. 
Some tips if you attend the Ghirardelli Chocolate Festival:
1.)  Have your ticket ready (and I.D. out for Wine Pavilion tickets) and stand at the appropriate line before the festival starts. If you don’t have a ticket, stand at the Purchase Ticket Line.
2.) Buy or take a tote/small backpack. I got a cute Ghirardelli Chocolate Festival tote ($15) at the event and filled it up with lots of samples that I didn’t have to eat right away as well as filled it with other prizes I won.
3.) Take a small food container. 15 samples does not sound like a lot, but trust me, you will start to feel full about halfway in. We stayed until the end of the festival and some vendors were giving away lots of samples (hello chocolate dipped brownies.) We had a makeshift container, but it might be good to have something small so you can take advantage of those freebies to enjoy later.
4.) Check out the Silent Auction booth! There are so many great prizes and you might get a great deal on something that is normally out of your budget. Make sure to check back when it is scheduled to be over to see if you were the winning bidder too!

Hope you have a chance to make your way over to the festival. If not, make sure to add it to your bucket list and attend it next year!
Side note: for fun, we also had a chance to guess how many mini Ghirardelli Squares were in a jar for a chance to win a $200 Ghirardelli gift card at the festival. How many squares do you think are in the jar? (I guessed 2014, but I don’t think I am even close!) Would love to hear your estimate even though there is no prize.
For more info on the festival you can visit their website here.


Box of Valentine Cupcakes

Hope you had a Happy Valentine’s Day!
I’m glad I ended my post last week with a notice indicating I’d be busy making and decorating cupcakes. This box of mini cupcakes were made for Sasha Mak’s Love Me Love Me Not Vintage Jewelry Trunk Show last Wednesday. In honor of the upcoming holiday, I thought, what better way to display the mini cupcakes ordered through me than through a heart shaped box of chocolates!

The display was really easy to set up. I bought the box from Target and it was originally filled with chocolate turtles. It needed to be emptied and I was willing to make the sacrifice and eat some. I baked 12 mini chocolate cupcakes and 12 red velvet cupcakes in red liners and decorated with chocolate and cream cheese frosting. I made the mistake in the morning of trying to transports the cupcakes in a carrier already placed in the heart box, but disaster struck and some of them were melted by the time I got to work. Luckily, I made extra and went home during lunch to decorate some more AND better plan out how I would deliver them successfully. Biggest lessons taken from this mini-crisis was 1) always refrigerate cakes with cream cheese frosting and 2) aluminum foil shaped under a mini cupcake pan can create a stable way of transporting cupcakes in a less than sturdy container.

There was no rhyme or reason to how I decorated each cupcake except that I had a bunch of different types of sprinkles and I really wanted to use all of them. I’ll be sharing more photos of the jewelry from the trunk show in a follow-up post, but I thought the cupcakes deserved their own post since Armando took a bunch of photos of them and I am really proud of how they turned out. Hope you enjoyed the photos and are inspired to try out this idea for next Valentine’s Day.

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Aloha Cupcakes

In honor of my sister’s 21st birthday and her upcoming departure to Japan, our family threw her a Hawaiian Theme Party in her honor!
I made some cute Funfetti Cupcakes with Vanilla frosting tinted a light brown with a teaspoon of cocoa. I added crushed graham crackers to look like sand and added the cocktail umbrellas to look like umbrellas set into the sand.

It was so fun making all of these since they were so easy and the cocktail umbrellas added a lot of color. They were a perfect way to end the summer.
Enjoy my picks inspired by these tropical cupcakes.

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Mr.Roboto Cupcakes

I made a robot out of cupcakes for a student intern’s last day at our office. He had graduated and was able to work the Summer until the beginning of the new semester.  I wanted to make something he would like, so I chose to make this Robot from the What’s New, Cupcake? Book.
If you compare this to the one featured in the book, you’ll notice it is not an exact look alike. Sometimes you have to improvise, and I did that by using the yellow licorice to connect the arms instead of pretzel sticks. I also used spice drops rolled out and cut into circles as the knee caps instead of Nilla Wafer cookies.
The Robot’s frame is made out of graham crackers covered in grey frosting and sprinkles. I was able to make the grey frosting by adding a few drops of black food coloring into a can of vanilla frosting.

This robot has some bling thanks to the shiny grey sprinkles and the mini M&M’s being used as dials and lights. I made the claw out of a sour Lifesaver gummy and then cutting out an opening. I personalized the cupcakes by spelling out the recipients name with the leftover M&M’s. Sometimes when I decorate cupcakes I buy a big bag of candy and only use a few of them. It made no sense for me to not use the M&M’s to spell out a name when I had 3 leftover cupcakes that I frosted just to bring for the going away party. I did however eat the bag of sour Lifesaver gummies. (Don’t worry – I shared.)

Enjoy shopping my picks below inspired by this silver guy with a heart of gold.
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Chinese Takeout Cupcakes

I was enlisted to make some cupcakes for a going away party held in honor of a colleague leaving to China for 3 years to complete his MBA.  I thought to myself, what better way to celebrate the party than with Chinese takeout?

The cupcake idea and instructions came from the What’s New, Cupcake? book. The Chow Mein is made out of vanilla ice cream tinted with cocoa powder. The broccoli is a green tootsie roll cut halfway with scissors. I added frosting to the two branches and dipped them into a bowl with green sprinkles. The fried rice is made using Rice Krispies. All of the toppings are candies reshaped to be the ingredients for each dish.

The book had instructions on how to make fortune cookies out of melting caramel candies, but I didn’t have the time to make this many the night before. Instead, I ordered food from a Chinese Restaurant right below my apartment and ordered 2 dozen fortune cookies. I asked for extra takeout boxes and chopsticks to complete the look.

Everyone complimented my work and mentioned the cake itself tasted very good. While you can’t taste them for yourself from the screen, enjoy some of my outfit picks inspired by my colleague’s trip to China!

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Vegtable Garden Cupcakes

Finally showcasing the cupcakes I made for the June wedding. It was a simple backyard affair and I was given the creative freedom to run to decorate some garden-themed cupcakes since the couple enjoyed gardening. 
I made these cupcakes using the help of the Hello,Cupcake! book. The dirt is made up of crushed Oreo cookies and the signs, or seed packets, are made out of graham crackers. Most of the veggies in the garden are made up of Starbursts or Tootsie Roll chewable candies. While I am proud of how well the vegetables came out, I am especially proud of the signs I made out of graham crackers. I covered the front with melted white chocolate and drew all the pictures with frosting by free-hand. I added the “Just Married” sign and the “S+E” with rosebuds and vines as a last minute touch instead of the shovels and recommended in the book. 
I was lucky to have found the planter’s box at Target the weekend before and it matched the fence of the venue perfectly! My initial problem with it was that the bottom was too narrow and would not allow all of the cupcakes to fit. Armando cut out a piece of cardboard and wrapped it with brown paper and placed it in the planter’s box so that all 24 cupcakes could fit. More Oreo dirt was placed between the cupcakes during our set up. I placed my business cards next to my display and the order was complete. My clients were happy with what I created for them and I was glad that all of the cupcakes made it without any accidents. That is all thanks to Armando for driving carefully to the venue. I am especially grateful that he took photos of these cupcakes.
Hope you enjoy these photos as much as I did and enjoy shopping my picks inspired from these cupcakes.

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